quinta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2013

Pastel Cubes's contest outfit

E ae!
Eu acho que a grande maioria de vocês já viu esse outfit, já que láaaa em setembro (eu acho?) o Pastel Cubes lançou um concurso de fairy kei, eu resolvi participar, me arrumei uma noite e tirei as fotos (e infelizmente o out só fui usado até agora para elas )): ). Eu sentia que talvez eu não precisasse postar sobre isso, mas já que eu só mandei as fotos pra Luly e não tinha um rundown nem nada, talvez fosse legal postar bonitinho com as fotos e todos os dados (e eu também adorei esse out e ganhei o primeiro lugar com ele! Isso ae primeiro lugar!).
Perdão pela falta de texto, enrolação, o de sempre, normalmente eu até tento encher linguiça, mas eu tirei as fotos as três da manhã, então é... Nada aconteceu. 

I think that maybe a lot of you guys have already seen this outfit, back in september (i think?) Pastel Cubes was holding a fairy kei outfit contest, I got myself ready one day and took the photos (sadly only used this out for the photos )): ). I felt that maybe I didn't really need to post about it, but there was never a rundown about it and maybe people felt curious about where did that piece come from (also I really love this out and I won first place with it! Yeessss I won!).
Sorry for the lack of text and blablabal, normally I would talk more, but yeah, I took the photos at 3AM, nothing really happened :'D

Shirt: Sanrio / Skirt: I Wish Upon a Star / Nightgown: second hand store / Wristcuffs: Angelic Pretty / Shoes: Secret Shop / Accessories: offbrand, handmand, chocomint, i wish upon a star, gift from friends 

Odeio quando uma foto que tinha potencial simplesmente saí borrada, sem mais nem menos )):<
Bom, eu voltarei em breve (e afinal de contas nem demorei com esse post~). Até~

Don't you just hate when what it looks like it was going to be a good photo just turns out blurred? ):<
Well well, I'll be back soon~ byee.

6 comentários:

  1. own amei esse outfit, por isso ganhou o concurso! <3

  2. Woow, como vc tava linda :D Parabéns o// hehe
    Xoxo ~

  3. I have been dyeing to by that skirt from Wish Upon A Star but can't find it anywhere. Do you have a link to their website?

    1. Hi!
      This is their website: http://lulysugar.wix.com/iwishuponastar - BUT i think is a lot more easy to find them on facebook, right here: https://www.facebook.com/pages/I-Wish-Upon-a-Star/516576195049861

      Hope I helped :DD
